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Date:  Thursday January 09, 2020 (01/09/20)

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Additional Documents:

Thursday, January 9, 2020
Airport Administration Building
8807 Airport Boulevard
Leesburg, Florida  

1.  Call to Order

  • Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

2.  Selection of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

3.  Approval of Minutes – December 12, 2019

4.  Renewal Lease Agreement with Mid Florida Chapter 534 Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)

5.  Proposed T-Hangar Rate Increases and Revised Draft of Wait List Policy & Procedures

6.  Project Update

  • Master Plan
  • Storage Hangar Design
  • Runway 13/31 Rehab
  • US Customs & Border Protection Office Interior Remodel

7.  Airport Manager Update

8.  New Business

9.  Adjournment




Airport Advisory Board Minutes 
January 9, 2020 5:30pm
Airport Administration Building
8807 Airport Boulevard
Leesburg, Florida

 Attendance:                 Mark Crawford 
                                             Byron Oldham 
                                             Alan Reisman 
                                            Bo Wroten

Call to Order

Chairman Alan Reisman called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.  Chairman Reisman gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Selection of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

Chairman Reisman said the selection of these positions is brought before the board periodically.  He is the current chairman and Mark Crawford is the vice-chairman.

Bo Wroten made a motion to keep Alan Reisman as chairman and Mark Crawford as vice-chairman.  Byron Oldham seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Approval of Minutes from December 12, 2019 Meeting

Byron Oldham made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 12, 2019 meeting as presented. Mark Crawford seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Renewal of Lease Agreement with Mid Florida Chapter 534 Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)

Airport Manager (AM) Tracey Dean said a hangar lease was signed with the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) in 2015 for a five-year term with one one-year renewal option.  The lease does not have a monthly charge but includes certain activities as in-kind services that the EAA is supposed to hold throughout the year.  The activities each have a dollar value assigned to them.  Each year the value of the activities held is supposed to equal about $5,500.00.  That value is comparable to the rates charged for other leases. 

AM Dean said she has tracked their activities over the last five years and they have gone over and beyond their requirements.  The average is closer to $7,500 per year.  They are requesting to exercise the one-year renewal option at the same terms.  They have a PIO who has written a lot of good articles about their events that have been published, bringing good exposure to the airport. 

Joel Hargis, President of the EAA, thanked the City for taking a chance on them five years ago.  Since that time their membership has almost doubled.  Their pilots volunteer their time and aircraft for Young Eagle Flights and they are currently doing over 100 flights per year.  When the lease was written, they did not have a youth program and developing that program has been one of their missions.  The group is now established.  This chapter was awarded a “Ray Aviation Scholarship” from EAA to help one of the kids get their pilot license.  Only 100 of these scholarships are awarded to EAA chapters across the county each year.  Their student received his license on Saturday.  After several years of trying, he is finally getting a chance to speak to the students at Leesburg High School about EAA.  He sees their programs continuing to grow.  None of this would be possible without this hangar.  The cost to the City is small when compared to what they bring to the airport.

John Webber from EAA said they now have a youth program that meets almost every Saturday and is a great way to introduce kids to aviation.  They teach the kids about many different aviation related topics such as tool safety, ground school programs and using an iPad in flight.  The also work on hands-on projects.  It has become a model for EAA chapters nationwide who want to start a program.  They also have two flight simulators for the kids to use.  He noted that many of the parents are also involved.

Steve Tilford said he has been a member of EAA for about six years. He built his own plane and uses it for Young Eagle Flights.  He spent over 30 years selling aircraft parts before retiring here. The aerospace industry is in a growth spurt.  This program is a great way to expose the airport to the community and get kids onto the field so they can learn about the wide range of things that can be done in aviation.  There is a need for good qualified people in this industry and this is a great way to get kids interested.  He loves sharing his knowledge with them.  The things they learn through the EAA programs like mechanics and problem solving are useful in many aspects of their life.

Bo Wroten made a motion to recommend the lease for approval as presented.  Mark Crawford seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Byron Oldham addressed the EAA members present and said this is a phenomenal program and he applauds them for all they are giving back to the community. 

Joel Hargis extended an invitation to the Board to come to their hangar on Saturday, January 18 at 9:00am to see the program in action.

T-Hangar Rate Analysis and Proposed Wait List Policies & Procedures

AM Dean said the draft documents included in the agenda packet have the changes discussed at the last meeting shown in red.  She also added the rates to the application form based on the Board’s decision at the last meeting. 

She noted that rates for existing tenants will be raised based on the survey she did, per the direction form the Board.  That will take some time to put in place so it probably will not be done until about April.  There is only one tenant who has been in place less than one year and will not be immediately affected by this change.  Everyone else will be notified. 

As requested at the last meeting, she checked on whether a t-hangar tenant can sublet space.  It is allowed and there is already language in the lease agreement that covers this.  Language regarding subletting will not be included in the policy since it is covered in the lease agreement. 

Dave Taisch asked how much the rates will increase.  AM Dean said the Board decided to raise them to the averages in the survey she conducted.  She surveyed t-hangar rates at eight airports and grouped them by sizes (within 50 square feet of each other).  The increases will range from about 7% to 13%.  The hangars that currently rent for $275 per month will increase to $295.00 per month.  The larger hangars currently rent for $308 per month.  Some of those will increase to $349 and the largest will increase to $357.

AM Dean said she does not know if this will go to the Commission for final approval or if City Manager Minner will approve it administratively.  The rates for t-hangars have not been taken to the Commission for approval in the past. 

Bo Wroten asked if the Hangar Waiting List Policy is going to be accepted.  It will make her work much easier if it is used.  AM Dean said if it is OK’d by the City Manager, she will begin that process in February or March.  Bo Wroten noted it is line with policies at many other places that he has checked.

Bo Wroten made a motion to recommend approval of the rates and Wait List policy as presented.  Byron Oldham seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Airport Project Update

Master Plan Update:  Mary Soderstrum from AvCon said the Master Plan has been delivered to AM Dean.  The Airport Layout Plan (ALP) has received final approval by the FAA and has been submitted for signature.  The Master Plan project is done.

Storage Hangar Design:  AM Dean said there is no change in the status of this project.  They are still waiting for FDOT to put together additional construction funding.

Runway 13/31 Rehab:  Wilbur Mathurin from Hoyle Tanner and Associates said they are working with the City’s Purchasing Department to get the bid package ready.  They are 99% complete with drawings.  They hope to get the bids out by the end of the month and have the opening in February.  After bids are opened, they will work on a grant application for the construction phase that can be submitted for the next funding cycle which starts in June.

US Customs & Border Protection Office Interior Remodel:  AM Dean said the kick off meeting for this project is scheduled for next week.  There will be staff from the US Customs Office in Sanford and engineers there.  They will develop a plan based on a floor plan of what they would like to have at this location.  So that project will begin shortly.

Airport Manager Update

AM Dean advised she had nothing additional to discuss at this time.

New Business

Larry Rogers said he is with the local Civil Air Patrol squadron.  They also work with youth through their cadet program.  This Saturday they are having an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast as a fundraiser.  It will be from 7am-11am here at the airport.  The cost is $7.00 and everyone is invited.  They are now hosting monthly breakfasts to help defray the costs for their kids to attend leadership schools.  It can cost as much as $150 per person to attend plus the cost of uniforms, so they are working to raise funds to ensure that the kids can go without having to worry about the expense.  They appreciate everyone’s support.


Bo Wroten made a motion to adjourn.  Mark Crawford seconded and the meeting adjourned at 6:10pm.

