Service  fee charge for electronic utility payments begins March 1st read more



Website Accessibility
In accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0 AA), we are committed to making our website accessible to all users in accessing our services, programs, and activities for all audiences.   We recognize visitors to our website may be using the assistance of technologies such as but not limited to:  screen readers, captioning, transcripts, and auxiliary services.  Therefore, our primary goal is to remove barriers when providing information and functionality when interacting with or accessing our website.

Should you encounter areas where information or resources are not accessible or suggestions to make it easier to use, we welcome your feedback for areas of improvement.  While we are striving to comply with WCAG guidelines, should you encounter problems using this website, please contact our Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator to expedite alternative solutions to obtain the resource(s) or information you are seeking. 

To enable us to respond in a timely manner most helpful to you, please indicate your name, email address, phone number, date and time of issue, and location of error or occurrence on the website.