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Date:  Thursday July 14, 2022 (07/14/22)

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Thursday, July 14, 2022
Airport Administration Building
8807 Airport Boulevard
Leesburg, Florida


  1. Call to Order
  • Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Approval of Minutes – June 9, 2022 
  1. Project Update
  • US Customs & Border Protection Office Interior Remodel
  • Main Ramp Resurfacing
  • FY 2022 Hangar Design
  • Fuel Farm Design
  1. Airport Manager Update
  • City Commission – Airport Impacts/Issues
  1. New Business 
  1. Adjournment



Airport Advisory Board Minutes
July 14, 2022 5:30pm
Airport Administration Building
8807 Airport Boulevard
Leesburg, Florida



Attendance:                 Fred Griffin, Jr.
                                            Alan Reisman 
                                            Bo Wroten

Call to Order

Chairman Alan Reisman called the meeting to order at 5:31pm.

Fred Griffin, Jr. gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes from June 9, 2022

Bo Wroten made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 9, 2022 meeting as presented.  Fred Griffin, Jr. seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Project Update

US Customs and Border Protection Interior Remodel:  Airport Manager (AM) Tracey Dean said the final inspection was supposed to be June 27th.  They did all meet that day, however, there were some things that US Customs had agreed to previously but have now changed their minds about.  There were also two cameras with microphones by the agent’s table that had been working, but did not work during the inspection.  The Customs officer has been out so the contractor has had limited access to the building to address these items.  They are hoping to get everything taken care of the week of July 25th

Main Ramp Resurfacing:  Dan Nickols from GAI said the contractor has advised they still can’t get material for asphalt so they are completely shutting down their Wildwood plant.  As a result, this project will be shut down for a while.  They will not be allowed to mill any pavement if they do not have new asphalt to put down.   Chairman Reisman asked if there is a back-up plan if the shutdown lasts for an extended period of time.  The project is supposed to be done in 170 days.

AM Dean said the contractor will be held to the number of days.  It is hoped they will be able to make up the lost days once the project is restarted. The liquidated damages are specific to having the inspectors from GAI on site.  The clock is currently stopped.

Chairman Reisman said he understands the supply chain issue.  He asked if there is a clause in the contract that says if they go “X” days they can be fined.  AM Dean said she can check with Procurement about how the contract is set up.  She noted that the liquidated damages have to be real.  Chairman Reisman said he would like to have an update at the next meeting on the damage clause in the contract.

Dan Nickols said they have made it clear to CW Roberts that once they reopen their plant, this job must be a priority.  Jack Thompson said the clock will restart as soon as the pull the first truck out of their plant, whether it comes here or somewhere else.   Bo Wroten asked what good is there to have a clock if there is not penalty.  Jack Thompson said if they go over 170 days, the penalty is $2500 per day.  Dan Nickols said if the shut down is for a substantial amount of time, the project bond would come into play.

Jack Thompson said that FDOT has advised Titusville has a project with the same problem.  Dan Nickols advised that CW Roberts has even met with CSX regarding the problem with moving the aggregate from Georgia to here.  CSX basically told them, “tough.”  The plant in Georgia has plenty of rock, they just cannot get it here.

FY 2022 Hangar Design:  Dan Nickols from GAI said they are currently at 60% of design completion.  They will have a draft ready for AM Dean to review soon.  They will need to meet with the utilities because there is a lot of utility infrastructure in that area.  Chairman Reisman asked who would pay to relocate utilities.  Dan Nickols said it would be part of the project. 

Fuel Farm:  AM Dean said today the Board will be able to look at two sketches showing options for the fuel farm location.  The cost estimates are not ready because they do not have all the information in yet, but they did want to share the drawings with the Board. 

Dan Nickols reviewed the sketches.

Option 1 shows the reconstruction/rehab of the current location.  The tanks will need some repair.  They will need to re-pitch the concrete pads and do a full reconstruction of the pavement.  There will need to be drainage and utility work done.  They will construct an ADA bathroom.  It is pretty straight forward.  They are also proposing to include a wash rack that will have an oil/water separator.

Option 2 would include a way for fuel trucks to access it without having to travel on the taxiway.  They would use taxilane Alpha 5, parts of which will need to be resurfaced/rehabbed.  Alpha 6 will be closed.  There is an optional alternative for a 20,000 gallon Jet A tank instead of the current 12,000 gallon tank.  AvGas would remain 12,000 gallons.  Utilities at this site are more challenging and will need to be improved.  They are currently showing some options for sewer depending on what they are allowed to do.  They also need a dry retention pond. 

Brian Sapp asked what the plan is for fuel service if option 1 is selected.  Jack Thompson said they would bring in temporary tanks.  Dan Nickols said they are already reaching out to fuel vendors about that issue.

Chairman Reisman asked when all the numbers will be available.  AM Dean said they should have them by the next meeting.  She noted that she did not put a rush on getting the numbers because since this Board moved the hangars up to first priority, the construction of the fuel farm project has been pushed back.  Dan Nickols said they should have the white paper ready by the August meeting.  Chairman Reisman asked if the report can be sent to the Board prior to the meeting so they can review it.  He asked AM Dean if she would like a recommendation from the Board at that meeting.  AM Dean said yes.  Once she has the Board’s recommendation, she will meet with the City Manager to determine when and how he wants to present it to the Commission.

Airport Manager Update

  • City Commission – Airport Impacts/Issues

AM Dean said the Corporate/Maintenance Hangar Wait List Policy was approved by the Commission.  She does need the Board to give her their thoughts on requests for multiple units. 

She noted Ned Bowers from Skybolt has put in a request for three – two units in the new hangars and specifically for Corporate Block Hangar #3 when it is available (it is currently leased to SunAir).  She did ask Mr. Bowers to be sure he reads the rules and make sure that he is aware the chronological order alone of the request does not guarantee a lease.  Commercial uses will have to be negotiated.

Bo Wroten asked if anyone else has sent in a request.  AM Dean said she sent an email to the 27 people on the informal list she had.  So far she has received two requests.  One was for one of the new units and the other was the Skybolt request for three.

Bo Wroten said he has no problem with someone requesting more than one hangar.  There was no further discussion on this item.

AM Dean said the City Attorney is still working on the draft lease for Dr. Chris Curry.  She should have it next week for the City Manager to review.  After that she can get it to Dr. Curry.  If the review and further negotiation goes OK, she may be able to bring it back to this Board at the August meeting.  AM Dean said she may bring the scope of work from GAI for the engineering bidding and permitting to the next meeting as well.

She provided a drawing showing that the large parcel has been divided into four sites.  This will decrease the amount of land Dr. Curry will need to lease.  The plan is to break down the cost of improvements based on the square footage of each lot based on a 30-year term.  For the piece Dr. Curry is considering, that would equate to the standard $.16 per square foot plus an additional $.24 for a total of $.40 per square foot as the improved land-lease rate. 

She noted it will be up to the City Commission to decide how much of the access road and taxiways are built now.

Bo Wroten said he would be in favor of building all the access road and taxiway now.  That will encourage others to lease the remaining locations.  AM Dean noted that depending on timing, the asphalt issue currently affecting the ramp project could affect this also. 

Chairman Reisman asked if FDOT will pay for any needed fencing.  AM Dean said the timeline for this will not allow it to be placed in the funding cycle for FDOT.  All grant dollars assigned to us are being put towards the hangar project. 

AM Dean said if the construction estimates for the infrastructure are off, the City will be able to adjust the land lease rate to reflect the actual costs.  Based on that, it is possible Dr. Curry’s cost could increase. 

Chairman Reisman asked how taking $900,000.00 out of airport funds to pay for this will affect things like future projects.  AM Dean said there is a reserve requirement.  Some funds are also currently encumbered for other projects.  For fiscal year ’23 budget the revenue currently exceeds expenses.  That can obviously change if something unforeseen happens and we have to use reserves.

Chairman Reisman thanked AM Dean for her work on this and the quick turnaround.  There was no further discussion on this issue.

Chairman Reisman asked about airport mowing.  AM Dean said Procurement advised the mowing bid should go out this week.

Bo Wroten said he was down at the seaplane ramp and noticed the step to the floating dock is broken.  It is a hazard and should be repaired.  The ramp is also mildewed and needs to be pressure washed.  AM Dean said she will follow up on these issues.  Chairman Reisman asked if there are any cameras in that area.  AM Dean said there is no electricity.  Bo Wroten suggested putting a pole at the end of the power line with a camera facing the ramp. 

Chairman Reisman asked for an update on the t-hangar roof replacement.  AM Dean said the contractor is scheduled to mobilize on September 5th.  She has notified all the tenants.

Chairman Reisman suggested that the Board members talk to their appointing Commissioners about airport issues discussed at the meetings so everyone is on the same page.

New Business

There was no new business. 


Bo Wroten made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Fred Griffin, Jr. and the meeting adjourned at 6:14pm.

Alan Reisman     

Pam Hester         